Search for tag: "food"

The Last American Supper | 1 of 2 | 75035slt-1-arch

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From  Walter J. Brown Media Archives 30 plays 0  

Kontrobersyal (Controversial). [2004-11-27], Sagana (Abundant) | 1 of 1 | 2004294dct-arch

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From  Walter J. Brown Media Archives 409 plays 0  

Independent Lens (Television program). [No. 1405, 2013-01-14], Soul Food Junkies | 1 of 1 | 2013045dct-arch

From  Walter J. Brown Media Archives 52 plays 0  

[WCAU-TV News. 1983-11--excerpts], Health Food Stories: Healers Or Hucksters | 1 of 1 | 83106nwt-arch

From  Walter J. Brown Media Archives 10 plays 0  

NBC News. 1975. Night--excerpts, Feeding the Poor | 1 of 1 | 75017nwt-arch

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From  Walter J. Brown Media Archives 17 plays 0  

Hunger Throughout the World | 1 of 1 | 74209nwt-dupe

From  Walter J. Brown Media Archives 9 plays 0  

CAES Chats with Hospitality and Food Industry Management

Learn about the newest major in CAES! The program focuses on three main areas: lodging, food service, and meetings, events, and conventions. Emily Posas (BSA - Hospitality and Food Industry…

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From  Ariel Waldeck 18 plays 0  

FDNS 4600 / 6600 Food and Nutrition Policy - Library Instruction Part 6: Government Departments and Agencies

Part 6: Governmental Department and Agency websites Navigating USDA and FDA websites for specific agency and consumer health information; limiting a Google search to a specific website

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From  Casey Roberson 6 plays 0  

FDNS 4600 / 6600 Food and Nutrition Policy - Library Instruction Part 1: Introduction

Part 1: Introduction to video series for FDNS 4600 / 6600 Food and Nutrition Policy for Sina Gallo

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From  Casey Roberson 22 plays 0  

Rakesh Singh Celebration

Rakesh Singh served as head of the Department of Food Science and Technology for 19 years, and he made the transition to return to the faculty at the end of August. He will remain a professor of food…

From  Ariel Waldeck 42 plays 0  

The Sunday Mag. [1978-07-09], The Fat Mag | Part 2b of 2 | 78051dcr-2b

From  Walter J. Brown Media Archives 2 plays 0  

The Sunday Mag. [1978-07-09], The Fat Mag | Part 2a of 2 | 78051dcr-2a

From  Walter J. Brown Media Archives 2 plays 0  

The Sunday Mag. [1978-07-09], The Fat Mag | Part 1b of 2 | 78051dcr-1b

From  Walter J. Brown Media Archives 3 plays 0  

The Sunday Mag. [1978-07-09], The Fat Mag | Part 1a of 2 | 78051dcr-1a

+6 More
From  Walter J. Brown Media Archives 9 plays 0  

CAES Chats - Dr. Robert Shewfelt - Chocolate Science

Dr. Robert Shewfelt spent his time at UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences as a preeminent scholar focusing on consumer and producer views on quality of fruits and vegetables. Along…

From  Ariel Waldeck 29 plays 0  

Economic Gardening: Planting Co-op Business Seeds across Georgia

Dr. Llewellyn Cornelius speaks with Mr. Matthew Epperson, the Executive Director of the Georgia Cooperative Development Center regarding trends in food and business ownership and ways in which the…

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From  Llewellyn Cornelius 15 plays 0