Search for tag: "issues"

Race: The Power of an Illusion. [No. 3, 2003-05-08], The House We Live In | 3 of 3 | 2003013dct-3-arch-c1

From  Walter J. Brown Media Archives 4,386 plays 0  

Race: The Power of an Illusion. [No. 2, 2003-05-01], The Story We Tell | 2 of 3 | 2003013dct-2-arch-c1

From  Walter J. Brown Media Archives 2,811 plays 0  

Issues Unlimited. [1971-12-05, Jesse Jackson] | 1 of 1 | 71006edt-prsv

+4 More
From  Walter J. Brown Media Archives 32 plays 0  

Nightly Business Report: 1996 Campaign Coverage | 2 of 2 | 96059nwt-2-arch

From  Walter J. Brown Media Archives 190 plays 0  

The Nightly Business Report. [1992-10--escerpts], The Money Chase | 1 of 1 | 92140nwt-arch

From  Walter J. Brown Media Archives 84 plays 0  

Eyewitness News Reports. [1979-09-21], Apathy: The Last Major Shackle | 1 of 1 | 79093nwt

+24 More
From  Walter J. Brown Media Archives 84 plays 0  

Actionable Recommendations for the Latinx Community Through Community Assessment

Summary Ms. Calva discusses actionable recommendations for service providers who are mandated to or would just want to better serve the local Latinx community with Jessica Smith. Credentials…

From  jds71093 12 plays 0  

Social Justice Symposium – Repairers of the Breach

02-07-2017SummaryIntroduced by Mansur Buffins, Reverend Attorney Francys Johnson gives an impassioned keynote address at Athens 1st Social Justice Symposium. He integrates a variety of mediums…

From  Llewellyn Cornelius 53 plays 0  

The Evolution of Rights-Based Social Work Practice in Brazil w/Llewellyn Cornelius and Jane McPherson

07-29-2016 Summary Dr. Jane McPherson joins Dr. Llewellyn Cornelius to discuss the evolution of rights-based social work practice in Brazil, and the importance of human rights activism for the…

+17 More
From  Llewellyn Cornelius 54 plays 0