Search for tag: "forests"
Kathy Abusow"Why working forests matter". President and CEO of the Sustainable Forest Initiative (SFI)
From Malissa Russell
97 plays
Langdale Dedication CeremonyHarley Langdale, Jr. Classroom and Center for Forest Business Dedication CeremonyTuesday, March 6Room 1-304 at the Warnell SchoolDr. Dale Greene, Mr. Bob Izlar, Mr. Wesley Langdale
From Malissa Russell
39 plays
Dr, Donald White"Water use by plantations and native forest in central Chile: myths, measurement, modeling and meaning”Adjunct Professor at Murdoch University and a Senior advisor in ecohydrology from…
From Malissa Russell
39 plays
Dr. T. Scott SillettSmithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute“Demographic & behavioral responses of a migratory songbird to climate variation.”
From Malissa Russell
51 plays
Dr. Enrico BonelloOhio State University “A conceptual framework for solutions to black swan events in forest health.
From Malissa Russell
28 plays
Drs. Balthazor, Dalllmeyer, & Glover“From Bartram to Leopold: A cultural and literary history of American environmentalism.” We are pleased to have three esteemed panelists from UGA who will share their wisdom on this…
From Malissa Russell
47 plays
Dr. Len ReitsmaDr. Len Reitsma, Plymouth State College “Long-term study of a population of Canada warblers in New Hampshire: shifting demographics in a changing landscape mosaic”
From Malissa Russell
33 plays