“From Bartram to Leopold: A cultural and literary history of American environmentalism.”
We are pleased to have three esteemed panelists from UGA who will share their wisdom on this topic:
Ron Balthazor, Ph.D. – Ron teaches composition and Environmental Literature and is the director of the UGA Sustainability Certificate Program. He is a scholar of Henry David Thoreau, and his broader interests include Environmental Literature and Eco-criticism, web development, honey bees, chickens, worms, and the rich ecosystem of the backyard garden.
Dorinda Dallmeyer, J.D. – Dorinda is director of the UGA Environmental Ethics Certificate Program. A native of Macon, she holds three degrees from UGA: B.S. & M.S. in geology and a J.D. She teaches courses in environmental dispute resolution and marine environmental ethics. Dorinda is also a scholar of William Bartram, a poet and essayist, and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Claiborne Glover, Ph.D. – Claiborne is a Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology. With an undergraduate degree in English from Duke, he is a has the heart of a humanist, and teaches a course on science and human values focused on broader impacts of science, and how we think about science from literature to culture to ethics.