12:24duration 12 minutes 24 seconds
Slippery Slope-Deregulating The Federal Minimum…
Slippery Slope-Deregulating The Federal Minimum Wage w/Llewellyn Cornelius
07-22-2016 Summary In this episode, Dr. Llewellyn Cornelius uncovers a relatively unknown strategy in the political struggle surrounding the minimum wage. While many cities and U.S. Territories are…
09:25duration 9 minutes 25 seconds
8 1 3 Video - How economy should work
This video provides a simple overview of how an economy should work to promote economic growth.
53:50duration 53 minutes 50 seconds
American experience (Television program).…
American experience (Television program). [1997-01-20], The Richest Man in the World: Andrew Carnegie | 1-2 of 2 | 97271dct-2