59:15duration 59 minutes 15 seconds
Journey of the African-American Athlete | 2 of 2…
Journey of the African-American Athlete | 2 of 2 | 96210ent-2
01:02:42duration 1 hour 2 minutes
Journey of the African-American Athlete | 1 of 2…
Journey of the African-American Athlete | 1 of 2 | 96210ent-1
49:22duration 49 minutes 22 seconds
Michael Jordan: An American Hero | 2 of 2 |…
Michael Jordan: An American Hero | 2 of 2 | 99200ent-2
http://dlg.galileo.usg.edu/peabody/id:1999_99200_ent_1-2 Part 1 - https://kaltura.uga.edu/media/t/1_x3gevuzo/86446941
49:19duration 49 minutes 19 seconds
Michael Jordan: An American Hero | 1 of 2 |…
Michael Jordan: An American Hero | 1 of 2 | 99200ent-1
http://dlg.galileo.usg.edu/peabody/id:1999_99200_ent_1-2 Part 2 - https://kaltura.uga.edu/media/t/1_we53nnvb/86446941
48:00duration 48 minutes 0 seconds
Idols of the Game. [No. 3, 1995-11-30], Love and…
Idols of the Game. [No. 3, 1995-11-30], Love and Money | 5 of 6 | 95209dct-5
45:12duration 45 minutes 12 seconds
The Drive for Five: World Champion Chicago Bulls…
The Drive for Five: World Champion Chicago Bulls | 1a of 1 | 96136ent_1a
01:02:15duration 1 hour 2 minutes
Stroh's Fight of the Month. [1984-04-17] | 1…
Stroh's Fight of the Month. [1984-04-17] | 1 of 1 | 84080ent