Search for tag: "african"
Jesus and the disinherited -Howard ThurmanCSJ Director, Dr. Llewellyn Cornelius provides a summary of the key points of a classic CSJ Director, Dr. Llewellyn Cornelius provides a summary of the key points of a classic social gospel text,…
From Llewellyn Cornelius
14 plays
John Daly and the News. [1957-09-15] | 1 of 1 | 57008nwt-arch
From Walter J. Brown Media Archives
28 plays
[Telerama. 1954 Compilation] | 1 of 2 | 54024pst-1-arch
From Walter J. Brown Media Archives
15 plays
On the Carousel. [1954-12-11] | 1 of 1 | 54027edt-arch
From Walter J. Brown Media Archives
18 plays
Memphis & the Mountaintop | 1 of 1 | 2003071dct-arch
From Walter J. Brown Media Archives
13 plays
Gullah/Geechie Heritage Corridor Enviromental and Economic JusticeThis webinar, led by former Brunswick Georgia Mayoral Candidate Helen Ladson, focuses both on the centuries-old legacy of resiliency, empowerment, and social justice within the Gullah/Geechie…
From Llewellyn Cornelius
16 plays
Say It Loud: A Celebration of Black Music in America. [No. 5, 2001-10-11], Express Yourself | 5 of 13 | 2001030edt-5-arch
From Walter J. Brown Media Archives
52 plays
"Can We Play Now?" Exploring the Disconnect Between Black Parents Perceptions of Play and the Impact On How Their Children Learn.Dr. Cornelius discussed with Dr. Marta Collier Founder of MCESS strategies that parents and teachers can use to foster creative learning amongst African American school children. For additional…
From Llewellyn Cornelius
9 plays
Decolonizing Clinical TrialsDescription Dr. Llewellyn Cornelius meets with Dr. Christopher Cross of Cross River Strategies ( to examine the barriers African Americans face in enrolling…
From Llewellyn Cornelius
25 plays
An African American Homecoming | 1 of 1 | 90080dct-arch
From Walter J. Brown Media Archives
13 plays