The Digital Library of Georgia continues to be an essential resource for scholars, researchers, K-12 educators and their students, and the public across our state. By providing access to historical materials through partnerships with libraries, archives, and cultural heritage institutions across the state, DLG enables collections of all sizes to reach larger audiences. Among their many offerings to librarians and archivists, the DLG’s subgranting program not only hosts and disseminates information about unique collections, but also engages in digitizing items that fit their scope if you lack the funding or technology to digitize yourself. In this panel-style presentation, Mandy Mastrovita and Mary Willoughby of the DLG will outline the scope of their services, and Rachel Evans from the Alexander Campbell King Law Library at the University of Georgia will share their partnership story that includes a timeline of a successful subgranting process and a new relationship built around the regular harvesting of the UGA Law Library's digital materials.
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