10:19duration 10 minutes 19 seconds
Experimental Archaeology - Pressure Flaking
From Victor Thompson
08:38duration 8 minutes 38 seconds
Experimental Archaeology - Spearing with an Atlatl
08:12duration 8 minutes 12 seconds
Experimental Archaeology - Stone Tools
05:08duration 5 minutes 8 seconds
Experimental Archaeology - Fire
14:49duration 14 minutes 49 seconds
Experimental Archaeology - Percussion Flaking
02:19duration 2 minutes 19 seconds
Experimental Archaeology - Interview with Scott…
Experimental Archaeology - Interview with Scott Jones
14:43duration 14 minutes 43 seconds
Experimental Archaeology - Cordage
07:48duration 7 minutes 48 seconds
Tools of the Trade - Dendrochronology
07:44duration 7 minutes 44 seconds
Tools of the Trade - PXRF
08:48duration 8 minutes 48 seconds
Tools of the Trade - Radio Carbon Dating
01:00duration 1 minute 0 seconds
Learning the Lingo - Zooarchaeology
00:41duration 41 seconds
Learning the Lingo - Ecofact
00:59duration 59 seconds
Learning the Lingo - Historical Archaeology
00:55duration 55 seconds
Learning the Lingo - Sherd
00:44duration 44 seconds
Learning the Lingo - Feature
00:56duration 56 seconds
Learning the Lingo - Site