Friday, December 6 10:00am - 11:00amPhotoselective Devices and Harvest Intervals on Blueberry Production and Fruit QualityAmit Godara, MS Exit Seminar Co-advisors: A.…
Wednesday, November 203:00pm - 4:00pmRegulation of Early Fruit Growth in Apple Bayleigh Roussel, PhD Exit Seminar Advisor: A. Malladi. Presenting from Athens campus
Wednesday, November 6 - Guest Speaker3:00pm - 4:00pm Academic Honesty for Graduate StudentsSpeaker TBA, UGA Office of Academic Honesty Horticulture Host, Dr. Savithri…
Wednesday, November 13
3:00pm - 3:30pm
Organic Systems Management Tools: Local Effective Microorganisms and High Tunnel Impacts on Organic Vegetable Production
Wednesday, October 16
3:00pm - 3:30pm
Enhancing the Sustainability of Pecan Production through Hedge-pruning in the Southeastern United States
Bailey Rayfield,…
Wednesday, October 16
3:00pm - 3:30pm
Enhancing the Sustainability of Pecan Production through Hedge-pruning in the Southeastern United States
Bailey Rayfield,…
Wednesday, October 23 - Guest Speaker3:00pm - 4:00pm Overcoming Imposter Syndrome Joy Green. PhD Candidate, UGA School of Social Work Horticulture Host: S. Nambeesan.…
Wednesday, October 2 3:00pm - 4:00pm
Crash course on Romanian agriculture
Dr. Stefan-Laurentiu Batrina
Fulbright Grantee AY24-25 & UGA Extension Visiting…